Feng-Hao Liu

To Prospective Students

If you email me regarding your interest in working with me under our PH.D. program or visiting opportunities, please follow these guidelines, which would increase the likelihood of receiving a response.

Important Note

Please use the email subject: “Prospective [role] interested in cryptography”, where [role] is replaced by one of these options: Ph.D. student, visiting student, or visiting scholar. This will indicate that you have carefully read the information in this page. I am unlikely to respond to generic emails or those unrelated to my field.

Since my research focuses on cryptography, it would be beneficial if you have a basic understanding of the foundation. Here are some valuable online resources:

It is essential that your understanding about cryptography covers the “modern aspects,” including definitions and security proofs. I suggest reviewing the content of the above resources to determine if you have a solid grasp of these concepts. For students with strong theoretical CS or mathematical backgrounds, I believe that you can learn with the basics efficiently by self-studying or taking any relavant course (e.g., my course). You will find crypto concepts useful and interesting, and hopefully the materials would inspire you to pursue further advanced research.

If you are interested in applied domains, such as implementations, intersection between crypto and AI/ML, please tell me more about your background, so we can identify a joint direction more efficiently.

No matter whether your research direction is applied or theoretical, it is essential for all members of our group to possess a strong comprehension of modern cryptography upon completion of their studies.

Recruitment Focus

In our group, we primarily focus on recruiting Ph.D. students and hosting visiting students/scholars, with occasional availability for postdoc positions. Additionally, there are some specific guidelines to consider:

Thank you for reading this page. I look forward to collaborate with those who share a passion for research.